Saturday, January 7, 2012

Why take ALL the decorations down?

I have always had this idea to keep up 1 Christmas tree after Christmas and decorate it for all the seasons.  However, I have either not had the space to keep it up, or either I was sick of the Christmas decorations and wanted everything "normal" again.  This year, even though we decorated for Christmas way-early like usual, I just wasn't ready for the decorations to come down.  We took them down anyway prior to New Year's, so that we could enjoy our holiday weekend.  But, I ended up keeping up the skinny tree in my dining room.  I have space in there and...why not?!?!  I finally did it.  I decorated my tree with snowmen, snowflakes and icicles, and I love it!  I love the lights on at night and how it adds some festivity (is that a word?!) to my decor.  I plan to decorate it for Valentine's Day, Baby Baer's Birthday, St. Patty's Day, Easter, etc...If I get sick of it, then fine, it comes down.  Check it out...
I was pleased with how it turned out.  While un-decorating our big Christmas tree, I set aside any "un-Christmasy" snowmen or snowflake ornaments, just in case I went ahead with this project.
Here are a few more shots:
I love this snowman ornament that my sister-in-law made.  Decorations for making your own are featured on her blog:   WendyMacDesigns
The "Abominable Snowman" might be from a Christmas movie, but the star he is holding says "Happy New Year!" (2000--I guess I've had him a while!).  I think next year I am making this tree my Rudolph tree for Christmastime.

The Baby Baers and I made these glue snowmen.  The littlest Baer made this one. I love how they turned out.  They are just made from glue!  We picked sticks out of the woods and cut them up with kitchen shears, used construction paper for the hat and nose, and I already have a huge button collection.  These snowmen didn't cost a dime to make since I already had everything.  I also made them with my 21 3rd graders at school.  We  attached magnets to the back instead of making them into ornaments.
I used a baby blanket that Nana made Baby boy Baer for a "treeskirt" and set some winter Tiggers underneath that I've had for years and don't put out anymore.
How fun!


  1. Great idea!! I saw these skinny pink or purple trees at Hobby Lobby for 80% off. The looked like Dr Seuss trees. I wanted to get one, but thought I don't need one more decoration. This is making me double think my decision!!

    -Wendy Mac

  2. Either color would work well for Valentine's and Easter, or any holiday really! You have lots of nooks where a tree would look cute :)
