Saturday, February 11, 2012

Reading--one of my favorite things to do...

I started reading The Help by Kathryn Stockett about a year and a half ago.  I got about halfway through it and then school a few overdue fees later I decided I better just return it to the library.  I used to really only read in the summer.  Since I am a teacher, my kids and I spend a lot of time at the pool, and I can stay up much later, giving me the most time for reading.  However, once I got my Nook for Christmas of 2010, I've hardly put it down since.  I read almost nightly, and in the winter, I love to cuddle up in front of the fire when everything else is done and the kids are outside playing or otherwise entertained.  I don't know what it is about the Nook--maybe because I don't have to flip pages and can read without disturbing PaPa Baer at night, or maybe it's just fun to read on a Nook?!?!  Whatever it is, I love it, and mine is just the original version that doesn't light up.  I like how it seems as if I'm reading the pages of a book and not a computer screen, so it doesn't hurt my eyes.  I have a little booklight that clips right to it and offers just enough light for reading at night.

Some of the books that I've read on my Nook are:

The Hunger Games Trilogy:  The Hunger Games, Catching Fire and Mockingjay
City of Ember Series:  City of Ember, The People of Sparks, The Prophet of Yonwood, The  Diamond of Darkhold
90 Minutes in Heaven
Heaven is for Real
The Shack
Sing You Home
Water for Elephants
The Art of Racing in the Rain
One Day (also saw this movie with Anne Hathaway--good version of the book!)
The Book Thief
First There Was a River
The Journey Home 

Some of the books on the above list were Free Friday list for Barnes and Noble!--the last 4 actually.  They were all great!  And FREE!!  The others I had gift cards to cover for the most part--only a few did I actually have to buy for my Nook.  Aside from the free ones, most of the books above were about $5 - $7.  Some were about $10.  The only book that I paid $14.99 for was Sing You Home-- all Jodi Picoult books are that expensive, so I've stopped buying them!  It's a shame because they are excellent.  I found myself over the summer checking them out at the library and reading them very quickly.  I hated not having them on my Nook though!

So, back to The Help.  My mom bought the book for a good price at Sam's and lent it to me recently, I read it in no time.  I reread the first half that I read a year and a half ago, and after that point in the story, it really got good.  I thoroughly enjoyed the book and would recommend it to anyone!  In fact, I lent both the book and movie to my recently retired mother-in-law, and I know she will love it.  

Last weekend, my husband and I watched the movie.  It was also excellent.  It almost directly paralleled the book, however just as with all movie re-makes of books, reading the book really gives you the details and background knowledge that the movie just can't provide in 2 hours.  A movie can't completely tell you what the characters are thinking.  I also love to see how a movie depicts images of characters and settings that I have created in my mind.  Some of my mental creations were very close!  It really is absurd to see how these ladies acted back then.  Check out The Help!

I am currently reading Firefly Lane, by Kristin Hannah.  I have found myself reading this book on my iPad more than the Nook!  I like to play Words With Friends, surf Pinterest and Facebook, so I can go back and forth from those activities to the Nook app on my iPad and read!  I'm turning into a technology nut!  I can even read my book on my iPhone!--which I've never done, but how cool to be waiting in the doctor's office and be able to read to pass the time! :)
I hope I've inspired you to cuddle up with a good book this winter!